You need to get them into some fresh air immediately and keep anything like sprays and such away from them in the future.
Sorry, that was a bad thing to happen! Yes, you should have taken them outside immediately so they could breathe fresh air. Birds are very susceptible to airborne toxins. If they are ok in an hour, they should be fine. Alway be very careful with sprays and cooking with Teflon/non-stick pans with birds in the house.
They'll most likely be just fine. You should have taken their cage to a different room for awhile. If you actually sprayed them, you may have trapped the spray in their cage when you put the blanket over them. But don't worry, they should be okay. I hate spraying cologne on by my conure, but he's fine. Good luck! :)
Well basically, my sister brought my birds into my room without me knowing, and usually I would spray deodorant on in another room but I was unaware that they were there, so the can kind of seemed empty so I sprayed it in mid air to test if there was actually any left and there was, and guess what, I sprayed at my birds and then i looked at them and they looked like they were drinking it or something? And they kept shaking their heads as if they were wet or something so I got scared and didn't know what to do but 2 minutes later I put a blanket over them and opened the rooms door
Should I have taken them into another room and did I put the blanket on too late?? I'm just scared because deodorant is toxic and I don't want anything happening to my little birdies.