> I think I injured a baby bird while trying to help?

I think I injured a baby bird while trying to help?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
you have to be carefful on how you handle baby birds. if your sent gets neer them or on them momma will abandon them. and if the momma did come back there is a high chance she may dissown the one hat is hurt. with much caution i would check up on the babys now and then to make sure momma came back and the the babys are in good health especialy the one with the limp leg. if it is truly hurt it will not go back to normal and my need help to actually be able to return without that of a mishapen leg. just check up on them every so often to makesure mommas back and careing for tem.

My Grandmother has a huge patio/deck thing in her backyard where my Mother and her sit and chat whenever we're over. She also has wooden picket-fencing around her yard. On the fence behind the patio is a bigger bush that has grown around the fence and right next to the house. There is a pair of catbirds that build their nest and lay their eggs in that bush every year. My idiotic Mother, not knowing where the nest was in the bush, decided to poke her nose in through to bush to look at the baby birds while I was in the house getting water. One of the birds fell out of the nest. After a while I was able to pick up the bird and get him back up onto a branch right next to his nest.Two others had also fallen when trying to get the first one back. I got the other two finally back up near the nest as well. When I put the other two back near the nest, the first one was still sitting next to the nest and it looked like he was holding his one leg out. Do you think I accidentally injured him? When I opened my hands to put him back up at his nest it looked like his one wing was a little crushed and it looked like he was holding his leg up. Once all the babies were picked up and put back next to their nest we left shortly after to go have dinner. We came back after dinner so that I could check on the birds and it appeared as though they were all back in their nest. They might have been fledglings but i dont think they were ready to leave the nest yet. PS. The nest is about 6-7ft high up