If it helps email me and I will send you our a copy of our Foster Adoption papers. As a rescue we do ask some hard questions. You will find me on tailfeathers and you can PM me from there or you should be able to find my contact details on Trade Me under Bird boarding.
You do not need a fancy cage or a lot of parrot food.You need to show her that you have done a tremendous amount of research and that you are ready for the huge responsibility.You also need to show her the cage that you are going to have.A long lasting and high quality cage.
Get plenty of parrot toys. They need things to keep busy with. They don't like sitting around doing nothing.
A fancy cage and a lot of parrot food.
Hey, so I've been looking at a deal online for a parrot, and I found one very good one, and basically, the low price has attracted loads of customers.
The seller is visiting each and every house of the potential buyer, and she has yet to visit mine.
How can I impress her to show that I should be the one to buy the bird since I've owned this type of bird in the past and have had four years of experience with it?
I just need to impress her alot to show her. What can I add into my household (permanent change) to show her that this is the best enviroment for the bird?