> I'm unsure of this bird's gender?

I'm unsure of this bird's gender?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Yeah both of them look like they are male the green and yellow looks like he is showing really good ( he might be in breeding condition) where as the blue isn't as bold as his. They might be a bit snappy at each other because they are both boys and they might be sorting out who the top bird is. But how to tell gender is that the boys will have blue or purplish pink Ceres depending on colour and or mutation where as girls will always have brown ( this may go from white, pale or dark and fluctuate in the colour of brown depending on if they are in and out of breeding condition) in younger birds it is pretty hard to tell especially if they haven't shown yet but the males are pretty bold, bright and covering where as the females is paler and while start to develop white circle around the nostrils and it will turn whitish brown and should than turn brown

The only way to tell if it's a boy or girl is the color of their noses. If it's a dark color, it's a male. If the nose a lighter color then it's a female. But since they'er only 3 months they're too young to tell. The color on their noses will change.

The cere on the blue and white is definetly blue, he is a male.

Both sexes boob their heads.

The blue and white one on the right. I'm not 100% sure he's male. I'm leaning more towards yes, but I want to be sure. His cere is blue-violet but also has pink on it. The picture doesn't show the pink, it's on the sides of his cere. A little help would be appreciated. I took a photo of him by my other budgie for comparison. He does bob his head up and down but at the same time he's rather bossy and territorial. Both signs point to male and female. So, I'm at a loss. Knowing he's male or female would help me out. Thanks.