> I have two ringneck dove eggs, that must be hatched in order for me to have breeding Stock next year. How would I care f

I have two ringneck dove eggs, that must be hatched in order for me to have breeding Stock next year. How would I care f

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Heres your answer..go to yahoo.com ( Rngneck dove breeding) this will give you a web page where you can learn everything to do on breeding,careing,and much more. the more you read the easy it be to understand your birds..........good luck

I have bred doves for years, but I have never been able to hand raise one. My doves aren't raised for pets. Anyway, my aviary is extremely damaged from heavy wind and my breeding pair is sitting on a nest, I cannot move them and the nest or they will not hatch the egg. So I must incubate them myself, I have hatched hundreds of eggs out of my incubator, but never a dove egg. But I guess I could do it pretty easily. Now after the eggs have hatched, how would I care for a newbies ringneck dove? What will I feed it? Note: if at all possible, these eggs must hatch and live, their mother is my last female and she is about done hatching, this may be her last. If I am to have breeding stock, they have to live.