> I have been trying to breed my Pineapple Conjure and Cinnamon Conjure and recently they laid an egg. I was wondering wha

I have been trying to breed my Pineapple Conjure and Cinnamon Conjure and recently they laid an egg. I was wondering wha

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
If this is their first clutch the eggs may not be fertile, or it may, it's about a fifty-fifty toss up. Leave the egg alone and over the next few days they will probably lay more. So leave all the eggs in the nest. In two weeks after the first egg was laid. Then you can gently take them from the nest and into a dark area such as a bathroom or wash room and hold each egg over a flashlight so you can see through it. You should see a dark spot that is the baby and some veins, sometimes the veins are hard to see. Put them back into the nest if their fertile and let mom and dad do their thing. A few weeks after the babies hatch one morning you'll look in the box and the babies will be standing up looking at you. If your going to hand feed you can pull them then and start to feed. They could be pulled earlier but if your a newbie let them get to the already standing stage. While your waiting you need to get baby bird hand feeding formula and 1cc syringes for feeding the babies. If your unsure about what to do call a breeder that raises green cheek conures and ask them. Some of them will even teach you how to feed babies. Good luck.