You're rock probably has Geodepressoitis I disease found in pet rocks. No matter how much you walk them, feed them, pet, them, et cetra, they will sit there. Geodpresooitis is an extreme form of depression. This does lead to suicide. Set it free when the moment is right. If you must keep him/her, keep away any bleach, knives, guns, et cetra. Bring them to a vet. The vet will probably direct you to a specialist. There are some vets who speacialize in Geopressoitis. It is a very lengthy and expensive process, but you can get your rock back to its normal self. There is no cure for Geodepressoitis. I hope they feel better soon.
Do you mean pet rock that are created in 1970s? Pet rock does not need to be feed, walked, bathed, groomed, and will not die.
Gathering from research pet rocks do not die. Maybe he is in a coma? Take him to a vet to be sure though. Okay?
Rocks are pretty boring pets, would not recommend. Get a dog instead
Sorry but pet rocks hate trolls . I suggest you find new troll free home for it ASAP.
Get him another rock for company.
I have a pet rock and I feed sand 2 it but it ain't movin' at all and I'm afraid it's sick or sumthin. Maybe its ded but who knows. help pls