> I have a family of crows living around my yard?

I have a family of crows living around my yard?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
They learn to talk too. For example, my mother called our dog every morning and after a few months every time the crows saw her one of them would mimic, "here Jakie, here boy"

I agree, google crows. They are fascinating, they live together in murders and will protect their murder and other crows in different murders if necessary. They like that you like them, that's why they dont fly off, they have decided you and your yard are safe. Enjoy!

-Google; " Crows. " -And watch OUT for the "Mob." ;)

I have a pretty large yard with a ton of grass and trees surrounding the whole area. A couple months back, two crows took an interest in my yard. I would see them strutting around, finding food or perched in trees. Recently, two crows became about five or six. I'm curious about their nature. I can get fairly close to them without them flying away. What makes them stay in my yard and how did the other crows decide to stay. I know they are intelligent animals. I'm just curious to learn more about them. I don't want them to leave either. I find them entertaining and cute.