> I hate flies anyone else?

I hate flies anyone else?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Things that sting, but the flies bite sometimes. Even the regular flies. They bite right before it rains. And horseflies! They are evil.

I dislike flies, as well, but I HATE MOSQUITOS THE MOST!!! They not only fly around & annoy, but they bite you & spread diseases (not only to us humans, but they cause heartworms in beloved dogs!!!) I would start a genocide against Mosquitos!!!

I hate flies also. But I hate ants the most. They are annoying, small, not fast but not slow, and just so annoying.

I hate flies so damn much. They are the most annoying creatures on earth. Seriously I wish I could start a genocide against flies and kill them all. Anyone else have an insect or animal they hate??