> I got sprayed by a skunk! Help! What do I do!?

I got sprayed by a skunk! Help! What do I do!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It has been a traditional solution to bathe in tomato juice.

You would have to buy several large cans of the stuff. I would not know if tomato sauce and tomato paste would work as well.

I also have read here in Yahoo! Answers that equal amounts of baking soda and peroxide and the dishwashing soap "Dawn" would help.

Just see if there are any tomatoes in the refrigerator & perfume to use.


I volunteer at a wildlife rescue center, where we rescue injured and sick wild animals and then treat them and eventually release them back into the wild.

We were rescuing a skunk earlier today, and while we were doing that, one of the other volunteers slipped in the mud and lost his hold on the skunk's tail. And its tail shot straight up and sprayed me in the face. And I actually got sprayed twice because I let go of it and it sprayed me AGAIN on the side of my chest. >_<

Ugh, it's unbelievable how stinky I am right now... I already tried taking a shower, no amount of soap is getting rid of the smell. And I have no tomato juice in the house and don't know where I could go get some this late at night.

What do I do? :(