> I found three baby birds?

I found three baby birds?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Swallows are NOT illegal to keep. Only rare and endagered species are illegal. If you are SURE the mother can't find the nest, take them to the wildlife rehab, well you can try. Mine rejected my birds cause they said they didn't have time and space to take care of them. So rude, anyway your vet will say the same, to take them to the rehab. If you have no rehab near you, you can always take care of them like a lot of people do.


Feed them cat/dog food soaked in water or mashed up oats. They can also eat boiled egg (white part) It's good protein. DON'T give them water! I can't stress this enough. They only drink water when they are fully feathered. They will DROWN if you give them water now. You should put them in a box in a shady quiet part of your house with a heating pad under the birds. For bedding you can use straw or old clothes you don't wear. You don't have to feed them every 20 min. actually it depends on the age so if you can post a photo, then I can tell you how much you can feed them. So as it grows, you can start putting them in a bird cage big enough for all of them. When they have all feathered, put water in the cage and dipi the beak of one bird into the water. They will soon figure out it's water and will learn from each other. Also, you can let them out for exercise and teach them how to catch insects by putting a cricket out and letting them catch it. It should be a instinct so you don't have to go over it a lot. When they can fly a distance and catch their own food, you have to let them go. :( it's sad but it's best for you and the birds. Who knows, they might visit you everyday like my birds do. Good luck and have fun! (You can also see people take care of sparrows on Youtube)

Birds don't reject their babies because of human scent. Birds have a very poor sense of smell.

Leave the babies alone. Mombird will come back and feed them if YOU stay away.

If she doesn't, you need to contact a wildlife rehabilitation service. Call Information at 4-1-1 to get the number and address.

You should try to leave the babies in a hidden place where animals like cats can't get to them, and leave them alone until their mother comes, checking them every three minutes or so, or else you will scare away the mother. If the mother does not come soon, you should search up a formula at a vet's blog or something because once, my sister brought home an abandoned baby bird on the concrete ground of her house and she tried to feed it worms, but it only wanted to rest, and the worms were too big fore her anyways and the baby might choke from eating such an insect, mashed or not. If the mother does not come at night, I am pretty sure it will be best to take them in, as cats and raccoons can climb the tree and eat the freezing babies. If you bring the babies in, make sure you put them in an extremely warm place and check every hour. We did not check on the baby bird that my sister brought home hourly and the next morning, it was gone and nowhere at all. Also, if the mother does not come by the next night, you should call animal control or the shelter, because i'm pretty sure you can't take care of the babies forever ( it might be illegal, too) and they might be carrying a disease. Good Luck taking care of the babies!

Okay, I was doing a big clean around on my yard. A bird nest was stuck in the siding of my house. So as I started to pull it out (not knowing anything was in it), I found three baby birds. Black tipped wings, but it dos'nt seem like hair. I think they are Swallows. Asking my family, I found out the mom does come around, I just didnt notice.

I grabbed gloves ( Not wanting to put my scent on them), I careful arranged the nest, with dead grass in a small cardboard box, and put it on a stand, about feet under the nest (Cant really put the nest back together in my siding.)

The mother has came by with I think another bird about two times in the past few hours. I found out the mom is supposed to feed them every 20minutes. I am going to keep watching over the area, make sure they stay safe. If the mom does not come back and take care of them before night time, should I take them in? Move them higher? Try to squish up a worm and feed it to them?

I am not wasting my time and calling for help, I simply want some advice, on how to care for them if the mom does not come back. When the feed them, what to feed them, temperatures, advice, ext. Or just leave them there over night, and if the die they do, if the mom comes back then great? Just let me know anything will help.
