> I found a robin egg on the ground, is it alive?

I found a robin egg on the ground, is it alive?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Actually it will just leave it there if it's I front of a pine tree then the mothers watching it and make sure nothing is getting to it

No. A cold egg = dead embryo.

Don't wast your time with the egg. It won't hatch.


It's about 63 degrees out and very damp and wet from rain. I was walking and saw an egg in the grass under the pine tree in my front yard. I've found robin eggs before but they were very thin and delicate. This one however is hard and I thought it was a rock at first so I squeezed it very hard and it didn't break. It was cold and covered in dirt so I cleaned it and now it's light blue, when I shake it I can slightly feel something inside.

I know the egg was not there yesterday, I was outside yesterday under the tree and didn't see it then.

I know it must have fallen out of the pine tree, that's a pretty far fall for and egg because just the first branch on the tree is much higher than my head.

I took the egg inside and put it in a box full of feathers I had, think it's alive?