> I found a fledgling and i have cats what do i do ?

I found a fledgling and i have cats what do i do ?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
"Days in the nest from hatching until fledging:

House Sparrow: 12 days

Peregrine Falcon: 40 days

Pigeon: 30 days

American Robin: 13

Wandering Albatross: 270 days

Mourning Dove: 15 days

Purple Martin: 29 days

Chimney Swift: 30 days

Bald Eagle: 84 days

Cooper's Hawk: 34 days

Allen's Hummingbird: 25 days

Black-crowned Heron: 49 days

Blue Jay: 21 days

Downy Woodpecker: 21 days"

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5426495_lon...

Put something over the very top of the cage to provide protection for the bird from too much sun and other weather conditions. Hang a bird water bottle. Then move the cage higher, but not very far away. You could suspend it from the eaves if there isn't a nearby tree. I don't know if this will work, but you can't keep standing guard like that.

You let the bird go and keep your cats indoors until they move on. Keeping it in a cage is cruel, and it's going to die anyway from stress or dehydration.

Your cats have probably killed dozens of birds and small animals, and will kill many more. Why such concern for this bird? Keep the cats indoors permanently if you really want to protect your local wildlife.

These cats are not mine, they run loose in the neighborhood.so there is no way I can catch all these M*therf*ckers then bring them in my house. That's Crazy.

Turn the bird loose where you found it. Keep the cats inside!!!!!!

I put fledgling bird in a cage on table in back yard and the mother comes and feeds it. I have to stand guard so the cats don't eat mother bird. When is this bird going to fly ? Help!