> I found a field cricket in my house!?

I found a field cricket in my house!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Field crickets make their way into houses all the time. It has nothing to do with you eating anything that left food for them. See below for more information.

"Many crickets are attracted to areas where the moisture level is high and stable. They often move inside accidentally when a door or window is left open or sometimes in the fall when the temperature gets cooler."


As for the 2nd floor invasion, they hop - a lot - and might have gotten access that way. Or been inadvertently carried in with something, like in a box or bag that was left outside and it hitched a ride.

It was around midnight when I spotted a large black insect scurrying across the floor. I managed to capture it and with research, I learned it was a field cricket.

How did it wind up in my bedroom on the second floor? I haven't eaten in there for a long time.

Does that mean there are more?

Any additional facts/info?

Please help, thanks.