> I found a cracked bird egg the baby is trying to hatch it is still alive what do i do?

I found a cracked bird egg the baby is trying to hatch it is still alive what do i do?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Leave it alone until it hatches. It may take a while for it to hatch, but don't help it. If you do help it, it won't be strong enough and will most likely die. Once it does hatch, take it and put it back in the nest if possible. If you can't find the nest bring it to a wildlife center. Don't worry about touching it. It is not true that if you touch a baby bird or rabbit that the mother will abandon it. Adults say that so children leave the animals alone or they don't know it isn't true.

It feel out of the tree because of a tornado last night one was not cracked the other one started hatching infront of my eyes i would like to help it but dont know what to do is the bird going to die