It is difficult to know what to feed a bird if one does not know what the bird is. Some eat seeds while others eat meats like insects, worms and bugs. Many will not survive on the wrong foods. You are feeding meats so also feed it corn and peas from the can. I would not feed an animal any food product from that animal, eggs to birds. As it grows you can identify it by its feather colors and know what to feed it. If it is a seed eater I would force feed it four BB sized stones (needed in the gizzard to grind food) before giving it seeds and grains.
So yesterday on the 8th I found a baby bird... a nestling. No feathers eyes shut PINK. He was under the tire of my truck. There are no trees in our parking lot or anything the nest could've been built on so I was assuming he was far from home. I picked him up and wrapped him in a shirt and kept him in my truck with me to keep him warm. I called the vet, they told me call the rehab center. I called the rehab center left a message and still nothing. Hes eating and chirping and sleeping. Ive had him for two days now is this a sign im doing something right? What are his chances of survival? I feed him baby food (brocoli) and I dice uo worms really small for him (the kind from walmart)and I feed him hard boiled eggs. His poop is white and brown and he wakes up at 6 am goes to a constant sleep at 8pm. His tummy gets a little big but I'm assuming thats because these guys eat like body builders due to rapud growth. I also fill water bottles with hot water and a warm pack underneath the shirts I cuddled him with to keep him warm.