Small Cockatoos, Amazons and African Greys are not louder then a large Cockatoo or a large Macaw but are sill loud. You can hear them all throughout the house and even outside the house.
2. Isn't going to kill everything.
What do you mean by this? Usually the birds with stronger beaks are going to be destructive. They need mental and physical stimulation daily. They also need to destroy things, shredding toys work great for this but can be costly for larger birds since they destroy them quickly.
3. I'd rather it didn't talk.
It depends on the species but mostly on the individual bird. No bird is going to be completely quiet, even a quiet bird will chirp, sing and scream, most likely daily.
4. Every time I settle on one species, I see or read something that tells me it's not the right one.
Like what? Each species is going to have pros and cons.
5. I will probably have a good 6 hrs on the week days.
6 hours per day or 6 hours in total for mon-fri? That's only 1 hour and 12 minutes per day. Amazons, small Cockatoos and African Greys need about 2-4 hours of attention per day. There should also always be someone at home with the bird, even if this means another bird in a different cage. If you mean 6 hours per day then make sure you are able to provide your bird with 6 hours per day of attention for many many more years to come. Some people give to much attention in the beginning then lose interest later on, this is really unfair to the bird, stresses them out too. Its best to keep to a daily schedule.
Amazons, small Cockatoos and African Greys are all intelligent birds, small Cockatoos can be unpredictable, very inquisitive and cuddly. Amazons can be moody and independent. African Greys are fun, very "dusty" and need "a lot" of mental stimulation.
When sexually maturing or hormonal they will bite and be very hard to handle, especially the Amazon.
Just like with most birds, they usually bite when they want to be left alone, its your job to read there body language before that happens.
They constantly have to be watched, especially a bird as inquisitive as the Cockatoo.
Also, it depends on the individual bird, not every bird will fit there description.
All three have the the same cage size requirements,
40"W x 30"D x 48"H
I have a little Quaker parrot who I love. He is bigger than a budgie but definetely smaller than a macaw. He squaks when he's lonely and being ignored (but don't worry I don't ignore him, that's my family who ignores him) he isn't very hard to take care of and he doesn't bite me hard because he knows who I am. He likes to chew things but he doesn't absolutely destroy unless it's very weak like paper. He doesn't like strangers though, he bites people he doesn't know very hard if they're going to fast and trying to pick him up on their first visit. Also, you don't pick the bird, the bird picks you. You can choose what type of bird you want sure that's fine but you don't just choose any bird you would like. You have to hold them for a while maybe play with them a little bit at the pet store. When we were looking at our bird, he would let us play with him and he was comfortable with us. He talks a little bit. He says: peek-a-boo, hi, c'mere, step up, and he mimics some sounds. Good luck :)
Buy what you like the look of, within your budget, keeping in mind that the larger the bird, the larger cage it requires. Cockatoos, large parrots and macaws need - must have - the very largest of cages. Also keep in mind, if there is anyone in the family who might be allergic to the powder down, don't buy a powder down bird. It also sticks to furniture. Unless your house has great filtration and ducting, get an oil based bird. Bird vary within the breed so just because one is a snuggler does not mean another of the same breed will be.
Ok no one needs to force you here. The African parrot is a good thing unless you're really set on not having it. That's because there's everything going for it, and nothing holding you back. It's just a matter of time that you realize you're good to go for the parrot that you want to have, and it should be a parrot that avoids that awful confusing medium sized description. While you decide you can read the books that matter for some reason.
Yours is a difficult question to answer. If you are that undecided perhaps deep down you are not sure you really want a bird. You are never going to find a perfect bird. There is no such animal. Much depends on training. Your best bet would be to find a breeder and visit the birds. If you do not know in three years what you want you will never find it. You might look into Senegals ,Meyers, Indian Ringnecks, mini macaws.
Green cheek conures are very snuggling I've heard, but mine I got from a pet store because my mom and I couldn't find one anywhere else, he's a devil bird you could say, doesn't let you even change his food. But if you get a handled baby they're adorable. I've also heard cockatiels are nice except for that they are dusty and will cover things in the room with dust. Good luck!
Hi, I'm looking for advice on what parrot to choose, generally I'm looking for a parrot that's not the loudest of the bunch and isn't going to kill everything , something a bit on the larger scale, talking is not important, I'd rather it didn't talk but it's not too important, I have some experience with birds and know quite enough to know what in getting into, I'm not looking for a mallucan or umbrella, most of the birds I'm looking at are around small cockatoo/amazon/african grew sizes ones, every time I settle on one species, I see or read something that tells me it's not the right one, I've been considering this for the past 2-3 years and still have a while to go till I have the space so I have plenty of time and think someone's experience could help me out here. I am aware of the attention-dietary-training and exercise needs as well as needing an avian vet, I live near a zoo that offers avian vets so... I don't want people to tell me how to look after then just what type, I will probably have a good 6 hrs on the week days and all day on the weekends and holidays, I'm also not a fan of traveling too much so I will be with him/her