You can try serving it in different ways. Try chopping it in different shapes (sticks, cubes, random), grinding it, leaving bigger or smaller pieces... Next, try mixing new foods with something they already like. For example, use a fork to mash some guava and some mango, and mix it, and sprinkle it with some chopped nuts. And last but not least, use the monkey see - monkey do approach. Chop some of those fruits for yourself, and enjoy it while they are watching (make sure they see you), but don't let them try any until you know they are literally burning with jealousy. Make some "mmmm" sounds, and act like it is the best food you have ever tasted. When they come to you and reealllyy want it, then give them some. Hope this works!
Hi all.. I've a pair of Indian ring necked parrot as my pet for the past 6 month. They are living a king like life at my house and i've made all necessary arrangements to make them feel good. I've clipped their wings and let them roam freely in my living room. But the problem here is the DIET! At first, they dint eat any other fruits apart from Guava. I tried others like Apples, Pomegranate, Pears, Banana and Mango. But none worked. They seemed to like only Guava. If i replace with any of the above, they starve until i serve them a piece of Guava fruit. I feel the diet being monotonous and it wont give complete nutrition.
Apart from Guava fruit, they have raw peanuts, millets, rice grains and corn(still NO cashews, almonds, oats or anything else) I certainly feel bad coz of this. I love them soooo much and i want them to have a proper and complete nutritious diet!
Please help!