i decided to get a sandpaper perch. i dont want to use clippers for my budgie cuz im scared to. i have rabbits, and im used to clipping their nails, and budgidse nails are really delicate compared, so i dont want to hurt them.
after you notice the nails get shorter, remove the sandpaper perch so the feet dont get rashes or start hurting.
You could try to file them but I doubt that will be pleasant for the budgie or be affective. May I ask why you don't want to use a clipper? A small nail clipper is the best way to go. The first time I trimmed my baby budgie's nail, I used a nail clipper but I cut to deep and it ended up bleeding. This scared the living daylights out of me and I never clipped her nails for 6 months and just recently I tried again and It went perfectly and its so much more pleasant when they perch on your finger without scratching you. The trick is to just trim the white portion and don't go into the pink portion. If you do end up accidentally cutting to deep here what to do to get it to stop bleeding. Pack it with cornstarch or flour it's stop the bleeding right away and by morning she was healed.
Hope this helped :)
Use a sandpaper perch and you won't ever HAVE to clip them.
File them gently.
I had noticed that my Budgie nails seem to be long how to keep them trim without using any clippers ?