> How to tell if my parakeet is molting?

How to tell if my parakeet is molting?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You won't notice bare spots on your bird, because not all the feathers in an area molt at the same time. Just get out the vacuum or broom and pick up all the fluffs on the floor. If your birds get a little crabby, that's o.k.

If they are puffing up and sitting at the bottom of the cage then its sick, get it to a vet. But if your bird looks like it has little spike on its head then its molting. The spikes are new feathers growing in. The bird might look a little fluffy but that is normal.

I got my parakeets in March of this year so ive never experienced molting. Lately I have been finding a lot more feathers around their cage and they are puffing a lot. But I can't see any noticeable areas of lost feathers, and they are acting the same. What should I look for?