> How to tell if my new budgie is still nervous?

How to tell if my new budgie is still nervous?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You've had him long enough, he's as ready as he'll ever be. Until he gets used to you and realizes you're his friend, he's gonna be nervous. The thing about pet shop birds is lots of times they're not very used to being held. The younger they are when you socialize them, the better. And you have to spend time with them daily, every once in a while won't cut it. The food you bought is really good, be sure that isn't the only thing they eat. Pellets, fruits, veggies, nuts, and some seeds occasionally. Good luck!

Sounds to me like he's comfortable enough to keep training. He'll soon learn that you're no threat and will sit on you finger for longer periods of time as the days go on.

If he is eating you should see seed flicked around the cage as all my budgies do that. He'll probably only do it when no one is watching though as he may feel vulnerable leaning down with someone standing behind him.

Some budgies don't chirp much at all so it's perfectly normal and I'm sure in a few more days he'll be running and jumping around the cage all the time.

You should only do short taming sessions at a time so the little bird doesn't feel too much pressure and be sure to spend a lot of time being just near the bird to make him more comfortable in your presence.

I bought a green budgie who is around a few months old from the Petsmart that I work at, 2 days ago. I've read about the adjustment process for new birds and I've been allowing him time to just sit in his cage and take everything in, however, sometimes its hard for me to tell when he's nervous. Obviously he must still be atleast a LITTLE nervous but he doesnt act like how many bird owners have described online. He rarely plays with his toys or moves around. I've barely heard him chirp and most of the time he sits on a perch all day and just hangs about. Instead of fluttering away and fearfully chirping or biting, whenever someone stands in front of the cage or even puts their hand in the cage he stays where he is. When I've attempted to move closer to him his disposition doesn't change.

Its gotten to the point where I can attempt to finger-train him (step-up/laddering) and its only day 2!

Now even when he gets on someone's finger he usually steps right off or jumps to a new perch when you try to move. I'm not sure if I should give him some more adjustment time before I continue the "step-up/step-down" training, or if he's comfortable enough with people to go on.

The main thing I'm worried about as a first-time bird owner is, of course, his frequency of eating and drinking. I had bought, what I believe to be, what my pet store feeds him which is Kaytee Exact Rainbow pellets and I mixed it with Kaytee Foraging seed mix diet.