But I would think they would be okay for pets/inside birds. As long as the have plenty room to roam and stretch their legs/wings.
As chicks, you can feed chick starter (do NOT get the medicated as it can harm them), and as they grow out of the chick stage (get their feathers in) you can switch to a game bird crumble or mix. You won't need the sand till they are older (fully feathered), it is for digestive as well as they like to "dust bath" in it. You may make them a box where they can lay their eggs or roost.
What are you doing with pet quails?
I eat them.
I eat them.
Ive never even seen a quail up close but Im thinking of getting 2-3 of them now.
I live in an apartment so they would be completely indoors. I have a 10 feet by 3 feet indoor aviary though. Can quails live indoors?
I have cockatiels and budgies in the aviary. Will they be any problem for the quails?
what kind of setting up do I need for the quails? I heard I need to fill a small space with sand? What are the other stuffs? Do they need a home or a cage?
what should I feed the quails? How do I take care of them?
please help :( thanks xx