> How to stop stray dogs from pooping in my alley?

How to stop stray dogs from pooping in my alley?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Call your local animal control center. They may provide traps, or even come collect the dogs.

You could try an ultrasonic animal repeller like these: http://aspectek.trustpass.alibaba.com/pr...

They get pretty good reviews by customers. However, they are not absolutely guaranteed. They emit a sound which humans cannot hear, but dogs and many other animals dislike. If the animal is willing to put up with it, though, it may stay.

Do not get the cheapest one available. I have tried some cheap ones, and they are not strong enough to keep the animals very far away. This seems to be a reputable company though.

There is actually something like this made to discourage teens from hanging around certain areas. Since children and teens can hear some high tones that most adults cannot, a device emitting these high tones will be annoying to teens. It just depends on how much they are willing to tolerate... And I have also heard of ringtones for cell phones that are too high for most adults to hear, so high school kids can get calls or messages without the teacher noticing...

its gradually becoming a nuisance..The alley adjacent to my home is used only by few pedestrians and bikes. Stray dogs pooping on the grass is making the lane dirtier day-by-day. Any idea How to stop this. Anyway its never possible to do any wall construction, neither its possible to sit all day and throw stones at them. :-(