> How to stop my lovebird from biting me when this happens?

How to stop my lovebird from biting me when this happens?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I suggest the best thing to do is clicker train him with the book The Bird School: Clicker Training, which not only solves your bite problem, but also lets you bond greatly with you. I don't have lovebirds, but five budgies, so I don't know a lot, but Good Luck.

(Btw, you should try to get your bird out with a towel and gloves on your hands.)

My lovebird is a young lovebird that I got 3 days ago. He is tamed and doesn't bite at all (thank Heavens). However, he found a way to get into my shirt yesterday, and he likes it in there, perched on my bra (awkward) and BITES me when i try to get him out/get close to his mouth. He is tame and usually doesn't do that, and he actually bit me till I almost bled. It's hard to get him out of my shirt when this happens and I need to go. What can I do? Also, when I pat him on his head, he doesn't bite, surprisingly. Just when I try to take him out and when my finger gets close to his mouth. He also knows it's me clearly.