> How to start training a parrot?

How to start training a parrot?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
We have not only an African Grey but also a bared eyed the Grey has become territorial only when it is on its cage....try persuading it to come out and off the cage where you can handle it. reach in a few times a day if you can not take the bite don a pair of thick gloves...you got to be consistent tell it no but do not point your finger that is a threat to them, remember parrots also try to go higher than other birds or people making themselves dominate over the situation. Try using the word step up on a stick, maybe it just wants out they are very home/cage bodies you have to get them away from the comfort zone....keep loving him

Supersaverca Video Surveillance, Alarms & Access Control Systems http://www.supersaverca.com

I have a 2 year old Timneh African Grey. He bites me when I go to change his water bowl, when I try to pick him up, and even if he is sitting next to me, he will walk up and bite my leg or cheek for no reason. I've tried to train him, but everytime I try, he makes improvments, but then the next day, he goes back to his old ways. I know African Greys are shy, but I always habe interacted with him ever since he was a baby at 7 months old. He just doesnt like me. I want to start a consistent training system with him, hoping he will change. I know it isnt his fault, but it takes the fun out of owning him. I cant play with him, or even give him clean water without having a problem. How should I start his training? And how? AND TIPS ON TRAINING, PLEASE TELL ME!