Hey a screen enclosure or any arboreal setup place an orange or fruit of some kind inside place the moth on top of the fruit out some cardboard in there for the moth to climb on (egg crates, paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls ect.
Good luck!
you first of all put it somewhere where it wont fly away maybe a jar but don't
forget to poke holes in it for air. put some flowers and grass in the jar. if
the wing is broken that is not possible to fix. moths eat pollen and nectar from
flowers so keep that in mind. or you can take it to your local zoo and they cand
find out what species it is and tell you how to take care of it properly.
I would just figure out what they eat, Place it in a safe place maybe on something soft Until it heals. You wont be able to do any time of surgery they are too soft even a soft touch will squish them oo
The moth is probably dying a natural death; they do not live long. Just leave it in a peaceful place.
Put him outside and let him live his dying hours in nature.
mash him and get a dog in its place.
This moth that hangs out in my room is sick, he can't fly and barely even moves, HELP what do I do?