Whether they go away during winter depends on the climate of where you live. Spiders like hot, humid areas, so if it gets really cold outside they might actually just hide out in your house so they don't freeze to death.
Also, if it turns out to be a black widow - which are dangerous - you should stick with a fly swatter or anything other than your hand to prevent any bites.
Better to learn how to control your fear rather than let it control you. Almost all spiders are completely harmless, if kind of creepy-looking. And yes, they tend to get less common in winter. The big spider seasons are late summer/fall when the males set out looking for love, and then some of them come into houses looking for a quiet place to overwinter, and late spring, when some of the overwintering spiders try to find their way back outdoors.
There was a huge thick black spider that ran really fast on my wall just now and I screamed and called for my dad .. How can I kill it on my own? Every once in a while i usually get a spider on my wall but I end up calling for mom or dad so how can I kill them on my own. I'm terrified of them even though they're small.. They're usually thick or white or black or clear looking.... Do they go away in winter?