You will have to waite till they are at least 4-5 months of age this way they are able to escape any danger and be big enough to be on there own, plus when you get these birds they will have an order of their own once they reach adult hood at 4-5 months set them out with the rest of the flock they will stick together untile they become use to the rest and then all the bids will be happy together. If you have a large enough area you could release at 3 months but 4-5 is much better. For the roos do sell or give away since if you have more roos they will harm each other and do some damage to the hens.
There is less likelihood there will be fighting if they are chicks. You'll just need to put them in the pen together and keep an eye on them. You will need to remove the roosters though, when they get a little older
Have the older chickens ask the new ones to lunch
I am expecting 8 baby chicks I am guessing about 4 hens and 4 roosters but I'm not sure if I have roosters I will sell them because I already have 1 rooster and have 4 hens but I want more hens what will be the best age and time and how to introduce them all to each other? The other chickens I have are all from the same batch and are about a year old.