> How to get rid of a bird flying into a window?

How to get rid of a bird flying into a window?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It will stop eventually but don't shoot the poor thing, I have had this happen to me before and it stopped after a while, the bird is already injuring itself on the window most likley, it will stop soon but for now you can hang up a bird feeder or house.

Maybe fix it a bird house and put it outside the reason it could be going after your windows is to seek cover

We've had this bird flying into our windows constantly since Monday morning. It appears to be because of the bird seeing its own reflection, but then again it could also be that it thinks it can get inside. We taped sheets on the outside of some of the main windows it's been flying in. That seemed to work for the most part, but the problem is we have a lot of windows... Now it's aiming at a different one - one of our dormer windows... we have two tall dormers that aren't actually connected to a room (our house isn't two-story). So these dormers are so tall that we can't reach them to cover them...and we don't have a ladder that tall or anything. lol We took away the "food source" so that it might go somewhere else to look for food, hung foil from a tree, and even put a scarecrow in the front yard (where the dormers are) and another in the backyard, but the bird still won't stop. :( What can we do? You can imagine how annoying it can be for a bird to do this all day every day... We definitely don't want to have to shoot the poor thing, however this bird is going crazy. :/ My dad was actually going to shoot it, but he could never locate it because it flies away and hides so fast... Is there any solution? And will it ever stop? :(