To avoid attracting bees, try the following:
Avoid fragrances, including hair spray, scented soaps, lotions, and oils. Bees usually approach children with a sweet scent. Avon’s Skin-So-Soft may make bees less apt to explore, and it is safe even on young children.
Don’t wear brightly colored clothing, particularly floral patterns, i.e. don’t look like a flower patch. Bees also see in the ultraviolet range. If the pattern lights up under black light, it is particularly interesting to bees.
Be very careful with food. Cans of soda are notorious: Bees climb in unobserved, and are frightened into stinging when the child drinks. Something as small as a forgotten raspberry jam stain on a sweater can be a problem.
Bees generally won't bother you. When I was growing up, we lived in countryside and our neighbor had an apiary. I can't tell you how often bees swarmed over on our property, got in our garage, etc. I've walked in clouds of bees and never been bothered. Unless you mess with their hive, they aren't going to pay any attention to you. If one does fly up to you, just ignore it and it will fly off.
Remember, they don't want to sting you; that's only a last resort if they are threatened.
I have a bee hive near my porch that im scared to go near. Im thinking about going out tomarrow but dont want to be bothered a lot. Tomarrow im thinking about wearing a purple & blue shirt with a blue beanie so im wondering if those colors will attract bees to me