It helps if you say out loud, so they can hear, " I sure hope no Carolina Wrens nest in my ferns. That would be awful. " This year I got three nests. One in my plant on the front porch, one in the garage, which I moved outside, successfully, the babies are about to fledge. And one in my outdoor light. I am going to get a nest box made out of twisted grass, from wild birds unlimited for the front porch. They roost on the fan blades at night in the winter. They should have someplace cozy to go when it's cold.
Not many would like to nest there. Probably only a wren? But they will build almost anywhere. Hang your plant about 7 feet high and hope for the best. You'd probably do better putting a house on your porch for them.
I would like to know how to attract birds to my hanging boston fern plant. I have heard of them nesting in some and thats what i want them to do! How high do i need to put it? Anything else i need to do?