> How old are quaker parrots when they start weaning? I have a 4-5 week old quaker and he instists on weaning now. Is this

How old are quaker parrots when they start weaning? I have a 4-5 week old quaker and he instists on weaning now. Is this

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The best time to introduce weaning foods is when the baby birds start investigating, picking up items and “gumming” them with their beaks. At around the age of 4 ? to 5 weeks of age, we begin to offer small pelleted food in bowls in the aquarium along with water, while still maintaining hand feeding. When they reach approximately 6-8 weeks of age, they will start eating food on their own, they will accept less of the hand feeding formula, so don’t be alarmed if your babies only eat half as much as they did before. Usually it is the “lunchtime” feeding that they drop first followed by the morning feeding. It may take a little while before they will drop the “last meal before I go to bed” feeding. I personally think it gives them a feeling of security to hang onto that last feeding!

Is this your first time hand feeding?