> How long to save fertile chicken eggs?

How long to save fertile chicken eggs?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You can keep fertile eggs for about 10 days or so, but the longer you leave them the fertility will 'drop off' and lessen the chance that they will develop. Keep them cool or at room temp., pointy end down and they may be OK. However many you put in the incubator, bear in mind that half of them will be boys, have you made arrangement for them?


How many to save before they go into the incubator? I have a trio of White Leghorn Bantams, they were a gift. They are one year old. Unfortunately, they are just like their larger counter parts. They do not go broody. So, I got to save up a clutch. This incubator stuff is all new to me. I don't have any other hens at all. These three are all I have or I would slip them under some other hen. So, how many to save? How long can I keep them before going into the incubator ? Any special treatment while waiting to get the allotted clutch of eggs? Thanks a bunch