> How long should my cockatiel be scared of me?

How long should my cockatiel be scared of me?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
This can go on for a week, a month or a year depending on the bird. If you want it to become more used to you, you should hand feed it. Take its food away for 6 hours then put seeds in your hand and leave it in the cage 5-20mins or until your birds comes over to eat. This will really encourage trust with your bird. After she comes to your hand right away each time you hand feed( which can take awhile) then get some millet and hold it like I am in the picture. That way your bird has to step on your finger if she wants the millet. Do this every time you pick her up and eventually you won't need to offer millet anymore. Hope this helps!(don't let age discourage you I'm only 15 :)

You can look up Positive Reinforcement Training that will help you.

Sorry you thought clipping her wings to train I assume?

But it may have set you back a little as there is nothing positive about dominance and handicapping as force when training a bird.

But that is way too late now. Hopefully when you learn to love your bird and start to think about what is best for the bird you will learn clipping is not right.you

Sorry I know you are young and more than likely it was some idiot who told you to clip.

Try watching this vid on Bring a new bird home.

Can you be more specific please?

Ive had her for about 4 days now, and whenever i sit down next to her cage she moves away. i had her wings clipped. She let me pet her once only for a few seconds, with no hissing or anything, then she freaked out. I know 4 days isnt much, but how long should this go on for?

[im 12 years old and just started summer break]