You should try testing out variations of bedtimes, such as let your canary sleep early and wake up early, let your canary sleep late and wake up late, things like that ( it would also be a good science fair project ;D).
If none of that works,then the reason your canary isn't singing anymore might be that his surroundings or daily routine or even diet has changed. IF all these are not it, it might might be that your canary is stressed or bored with his normal, boring, everyday routine, and you should try a variety of things such as taking your canary out or clicker training it to help.
Here are some links I got:
Good Luck with your canary!!! Btw, canary's, like all birds, sleep around twelve hours, and take afternoon naps on a daily basis ( most birds take naps, anyways)
Who said to you that?They only sleep about 3 or 5 hour.
around 10 pm i put the bird to sleep but my mom takes his covers away early in the morning. i have told her birds sleep longer than humans but she doesn't listen to me.
any links on the effects of sleep deprivation in birds would be great
and if a bird is woken up will it sleep during the day?
i've noticed he stopped singing and i think it might have to do with his sleeping