> How long does Green Lacewing eggs take to hatch into larvae?

How long does Green Lacewing eggs take to hatch into larvae?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
i have searched for this on google but all i get is the time it takes for them to go from larvae into adults


Q: I hung my lacewing eggs outside to hatch and never saw any larvae emerge! What went wrong? Are they dead?A: The small size of this insect in the developmental stages makes it very difficult to spot the larvae or eggs when they are released outside and instructions on the package specifically state not

Q: How can I tell if my lacewings have worked? What do I look for?A: Since the larvae are too hard to see with the naked eye, customers usually instead monitor the size of the pest population to see if green lacewings have been an effective method of pest control. If there has been a noticeable decline in pest bugs, then the green lacewings are doing their job.

Q: How long does it take for lacewing eggs to hatch?A: Lacewing eggs will require at least 5 days of consistent warm weather to hatch. Cooler temperatures will delay hatching.

1 to 3 weeks.. I think that is it.

i have searched for this on google but all i get is the time it takes for them to go from larvae into adults