> How long do bees live?

How long do bees live?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It depends on what time and in which a variety of bees, for example the mother bee live average 1-5 years, father bees live only one year, and worker bees 2-3 month in summer and 3-6 month in winter when it isn't working.

There are so many types of bees, but generally speaking honey bees live up to 3 or 4 years.


Scientific name: Anthophila

Rank: Series

Higher classification: Apoidea

Lifespan: 3 – 4 y (Western honey bee, Queen), 0.099 y on average (Western honey bee, Worker)

3-4 years

Worker bees hatch out in batches and have a life of a few weeks. Then the batch all dies. It's like they have a little clock running inside them that runs down.