> How do you tame young parakeets?

How do you tame young parakeets?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
your doing REALLY good. your basically doing all you should.

try not to give them any treats/food from your hands as often. if they start pecking your hands for food, dont give any. it might take some time for them to stop pecking.

keep up the good work! your doing good especially since one if from the petstore.

its a lot easier for you than other people. young budgies are MUCH easier to tame than older budgies.

You probably wont be able to tame them since theres so many, when theyre in groups they basically only want to be with eachother... sorry :/

I came home to 5 young parakeets (around one to two months old) that my dad bought at a pet store. I gave them 2 days to settle in their environment before sitting beside their cage. It has been a week, and I've decided to try taming them.

Regardless if they have food in their in their cup, they feed off of my hands fearlessly when I situate my hands in a position where they have to get on my hand to eat. Now, however, they always expect food whenever they see my hands. When they're full, they seem to not mind my hand because they don't mind my hand's presence in their cage and go about to preening each other and sleeping. And I try to teach individual ones to step up, but they all crowd on my hand to look for food so I have a hard time trying to tame them. I have a very small cage to tame individual ones but whenever I try to take one out, he or she flies back into the cage. I've been doing this for 4 days now, and the same thing happens.

Any tips on how to tame them?