> How do spiders move?

How do spiders move?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
year one level....thankss

Spiders are arthropods, and have 8 jointed legs. They motivate by supplying blood pressure to their legs.

A bit like hydraulics, as they have no muscle tissues in their legs.

Some spiders also use a more random but more productive method of moving, they "balloon". Try goggling "ballooning spider".

Same way any other creature with legs does: picks up its feet and moves them!

According to the reference, their muscles are partially dependent on a system resembling a hydraulic mechanism. You know how our limbs work because muscles pull on bones and cause them to move? Spiders do this similarly, but due to lack of an internal skeleton, to move a limb back to the relaxed position they pump it up with blood, causing it to expand back to the unflexed position.

Also, you may ask why they can walk on any surface? Their feet are hairy, and this extra surface area increases the friction, meaning they can get enough traction to climb anywhere. That's how geckos do it too..

Spiders move on their feet.

depends cauz som r fast and som r slow

Spiders crawl with the help of 8 legs.

year one level....thankss