> How do kangaroos get so buff?

How do kangaroos get so buff?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I often find myself wondering about life. I mean, of all of the people in the entire world, how did I end up the baddest mofo in existence?

Don't get me wrong, I'm humble and all that... I think that other people are great! Lets be serious though, I really am the cherry on the sundae that is human existence.

Australian land and foliage serves as a great source of protein and relentless stupid questions asked on yahoo answers.

yeah they go to the gym, lift weights,ya know. trust me I've seen one.

I always see swole *** kangaroos and know that the bigger they get the vetter their chances of finding a mate but im curious how they get to be so big? Do they actually lift? Or do they just naturally get big? Ive searched for ever but cant find any answer for this