> How do i kill a spider?

How do i kill a spider?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Big Shoe with lots of force and a direct hit, be prepared for a follow-up smash if the first doesn't take...you'll have to get brave a summon your guts but you can do it..No more computer or cellphone or it will be gone! :)

Use some wasp spray. Spray can of this killer material is accurate within 25ft of the monstrous beast.

Use a fire extinguisher to starve it of oxygen?

lolol ur screwd sorry

ok so theres a sorta big spider and i have my eyes on it. but its hiding behind a picture and im waiting for it to come out. i have arachnophobia and my mom wont be home for another hour. i have lysol to spray it with but im just scared. any other ideas on how to kill it?