> How do i feed a baby fledgling i found?

How do i feed a baby fledgling i found?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The best thing to do is leave it alone. Fledgelings leave the nest before they can fly... They hop around on the ground for about a week, flapping onto low branches to strengthen their wings. During this time, the parents are still taking care of it. It probably won't take food from you because it is full. So the bird you have found is probably almost ready to fly, being taken care of by parents, and exactly where it should be. However if it seems to be injured, or still very young, (featherless or partially feathered, you should contact a wildlife rehabilitation center in your area. In your web browser, just type: Wildlife rehab (your area). If you cannot find one and the bird is injured or still not eating, contact an avian vet. (Veterinarian that specializes in birds.) But if the bird is opening it's mouth for you, then here are instructions for you to take care of it Remember, caring for it yourself should be a LAST RESORT. First, make sure that it actually needs help, then try to find a wildlife rehabber, THEN, follow these instructions: First off, do not attempt to give it food or water again until you know what kind, and how old it is. Very young baby birds do not drink water, ground nesting birds being the exception. (chickens, ducks, killdeer, shore birds, etc.) If you attempt to give a nestling (younger bird) water, there is a very good chance that they will inhale it and/or choke & die. They get enough moisture from there food, which, varies depending on the kind of bird he is. This is a good website to help you identify what kind of bird you found: http://www.2ndchance.info/babybirdphotos...

Once you identified it, you can go to this website, which tells you how to properly care for it: http://www.2ndchance.info/insecteater.ht...

The bird needs to be kept warm. If the bird is almost bald, keep it at a temperature of about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is partially, or almost all feathered, 80 - 85. Do this by using a cardboard box lined with tissues, paper towels or old rags. Then, set the box halfway on a heating pad so that the bird can be near the heat, or not. An old incubator would also work well. If you don't have any of these things, you can just place the bird in a cardboard box with some kind of bedding (tissues etc.) and then put a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel next to it.

I hope this helps!!!

P.S. Don't feed it bread, as it has no nutritional content that the bird can use. And because of the exceptionally fast rate at which a baby bird grows, everything it eats needs to be FULL of nutrition, vitamins and minerals. Please do plenty of research (starting with these websites) BEFORE you attempt to care for or feed it. You really should look up a wildlife rehabilitation center in your area as they are experienced and knowledgeable. Good luck, and I hope this helps.

That is where fledglings hide so their mom will come and feed them until they learn to fly. Leave him be unless he has no mother. Babies cant't eat whole worms. Their mom chews it up and spits it in their mouths. The habitat is a good idea so he has a place to hide. Put out a lavender plant near him to deter cats.

ring a vet and ask them,they will know ...... here in australia you can take native birds/animals etc to a vet for free ......

i found a baby fledgling bird in my garden and made a small habitat for it because the day before i found an exactly the same bird ( i think there is a nest in my back garden) dead because a cat ate it:/

I cant seem to feed it and i barely made it drink... however, it seems to like me when i try to be slow and gentle with it. i have a few worms i dug up and put it up to its mouth, but the baby bird wont open its mouth. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!!