> How do fish lay egg?

How do fish lay egg?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
his is probably the dumbest question ever but I'm always thinking about fish and how do they lay their egg like where does the egg come from and how is the egg made

Just watch Discovery channel about fish.

I remember Marlin and Coral laying bunches of eggs and Nemo was the only egg remaining after the barracuda attacks and eats Coral and the rest of the eggs.

If you look closely enough at the end of a fish where the "anus" should be there is a hole used for excretion. This includes laying eggs.

You can find any discovery video about anything on youtube. Type in "how do fish lay eggs", and I am sure a video will pop up.

the same way you do

this is probably the dumbest question ever but I'm always thinking about fish and how do they lay their egg like where does the egg come from and how is the egg made