> How do I tame my budgie?

How do I tame my budgie?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Search on youtube "How to tame a budgie.?" The results will come and see all the intresting ones. That's a better way instead of asking in Yahoo answers,

1. Get someone else in the family to feed/care for him for a couple of weeks and try not to see ur budgie or come into .contact with him during this time. This way u and ur budgie can start afresh.

2. Sit by the cage a few times everyday. Talk to ur bird and offer him pieces of fruit or millet. When he jumps to the perch nearest u when u come into the room u can move on to the next stage.

3. Slowly open the door of the cage and leave your hand in the opening for 10 mins. As u get up to leave give him some fruit as before. When your bird seems relaxed with ur hand in its cage then u can slowly move it further in.

4. Move ur finger slowly towards ur budgie and get him to step up by gently pudhing his chest. If he seems scared take your hand away and try again later.

5. When your budgie is happy steping up you can start moving him around the cage. If he is ok with that you can bring him out of the cage but make sure you leave the cage door open so he can go back if he wants.

1. spend time near the cage.. make sure the cage is somewhere the bird feels safe and can be around you for long periods of time. For example my birds cages are in my bedroom because I spend a lot of time in my bedroom. Sit near the bird cage, read a book, do home work or whatever you like and try to get your bird used to your presence and that you are not doing anything scary.

When you find your bird will preen, play with toys or move down to eat while you are sitting near them this means they are getting more comfortable.

2. The next step is to put your hand inside the cage. Aim to sit with your hand just inside the door way of the cage for around 10 minutes. Usually when hands come into a bird cage the birds start flapping around scared. all you want to do is sit with your hand inside the door way and let your budgie calm down.

Again your working on your budgie learning to trust you and realise you are doing nothing to harm them. Within a few days doing this several times a day your bird should be starting to not mind your hand in the cage.. again signs that they are more comfortable are: preening, eating, playing with toys and just going about their normal business.

this may take more time for some budgies than others depending on their age and their personalities.

3. a few things can happen now- you can keep putting your hand in the cage but now try moving it a little closer to your budgie. I’ve found with younger budgies you can get quite close to them and they will often step onto your finger at this point and be curious. others will still be avoiding your hand. For the more difficult budgies now is the time to try offering them millet (its a yummy seed snack that budgies LOVE).

try offering some for your budgie to eat out of your hand..

and if your budgie eats then you’re on to the next step!

4. now start positing the millet so the budgie has to get closer to your hand to get eat the millet and eventually make it so the budgie had to step onto your hand to eat the millet! this may take a few tries and if you feel your bird is freaking out then just go back to step 3 and do that a little longer!

TIP- if you’re having trouble getting your budgie to eat millet try taking their food away for an hour or 2 and then coming back and offering millet, because they may not want to eat if they are full already. Also do not leave millet in the cage because you want them to see millet as a reward and not something they can get without working for it.

Once you have your budgie stepping onto your finger and eating the millet things will get easier from here- you are gaining their trust and this is the most important thing! soon you will be able to get them to step up without even millet and take them out of the cage.

So I've had my budgie 6 months and when you put your hand in he lets u stroke him for like one minute and then he just gets really scared and runs away . And some days he just hides in the bottom corner of his cage for ages and when we open his door so he can fly around he never comes out.

Can anyone help me with this please I have tryed talking to him ect but nothing seems to work . He doesn't talk much either .
