> How do I take care of a baby bird that has fallen from it's nest?

How do I take care of a baby bird that has fallen from it's nest?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Wait no! If its out of the nest, and it has all it's feathers, IT'S A FLEDGLING! It is in a stage where it's learning how to fly. They stay on the ground for 1-2 weeks learning. Unfortunatly, it is also the stage where many predators find them easy to prey on because they can't fly. Many people are mistaken for "injured bird that can't fly". So I would leave it where you found it and hope that it would learn how to fly soon. Before you let it go, you could feed it soggy cat/dog food or mashed oatmeal for energy but NO WATER! Only adult birds drink water and if you give it to a baby or a fledgling, it will drown. :( So you can put it back or in a safe place where you know cats or dogs can't get it. Good luck! :)

I agree with the other answer!

Here's some solutions

1. Call an avian doctor or rescue shelter and tell them about the bird

2. Get a tub aware container with a cloth, nail it to the tree and put the bird in there

3. Because of how old the bird is leave it be

Just leave it where you found it. Young birds often leave the nest early and spend time on the ground until they can fly. The parents still take care of it. Do not try to feed or water it. It's illegal to take in wild life!!!

My mom found a baby bird that has fallen from it's nest we were trying to put it back but we can't find the nest so we are just gonna try to take care of it our self it has it's feathers and stuff it just can't fly yet so how would we go about taking care of him?