These frogs were born from white eggs in a jelly type glob in my garden pond. I heard the sound of the frog the night before, so when I looked I was rewarded with babies to look forward to. I immediately set up tall enough pots (upside down) and other ceramic bowls with rough exteriors - I also put in some branches for climbing and I read they like the food/algae on branches. Then when they were little tadpoles they kind of went directly to the branches - looked like they were munching on them. And when they looked like tiny 1/2" long frogs they sat on the pots and stayed right there in the pond. There was one that either was a parent (though small - 2") who would hop from one of the rocks around the pond right into the water when I walked up. They are disappearing. Today I saw one froglet with still a little tail, and only two tadpoles starting to grow arms and legs.
I am so temped to take them and have them in one of my aquariums. I have three not being used.
Are these guys going to be ok without my feeding them?. I did put in a few pieces of dry cat food and when it softened they were eating on it. I'm afraid that was a mistake. I have a small pump running which creates no fast current or much of a splash to keep the water aerated a bit. I've held the frogs on the pad of my finger and then put them back.
There are many crevases in the rocks around the pond right up to the edge. Are they going to be ok? Do they leave when the are only 1/2" long?