> How do I get my parrot to stop biting?

How do I get my parrot to stop biting?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I had this issue when I first got my sun conure. He bit because he was afraid. I would lay my hand in the cage and he would go straight to it and start biting, but he would get on my hand, so I could take him out and offer him snacks and interact with him. After about a month he stopped biting and just got on my hand, and actually started enjoying being out of the cage, then he started letting me pet him. Now he loves me and would never bite me no matter how scared he was.

However, he still bits others. It seems to be conditional, some people he loves and others he gets really aggressive towards. He was very aggressive towards my boyfriend and my mom in particular, I think out of jealously. He would always get all pissed off whenever he saw me kissing my boyfriend, or even just when my mom talked to me. I am now married to that boyfriend, and after about 5 years he has finally come to accept my husband, and loves him just as much as he loves me. It just took a lot of time.

My bird would do the same charging thing as yours, It was so funny, I'd put him on the floor, and he would walk ever so slowly and innocently towards my boyfriend, then just as he was getting close, he would sprint, wings out and beak open towards my boyfriends toes. Good times =)

I would just be patient, don't let strangers touch him, and don't take your bird out around people he hates. He might be jealous of your relationship with your siblings and thats why he attacks. Allow your family to feed him treats through the bars or his cage, eventually he will associate them with happy memories instead of hate. =) Also get your bird's wings clipped regularly if he flies at people, not safe for him or for them, bird stores will do it for just a couple bucks.

Birds are weird, good luck!

Put pepper on your finger

Your stupid. Get a life & stop making slick *** comments with your annoying self . Grow up punk.

My quaker parrot mia is nice to me (but still bites me) but she hates everyone else she will bite anyone who touches her including 4 little brothers she will even charge after you and chase you off the couch by biting you, she has drawn blood multiple times. Just today she flew of my hand and jumped on my little cousin and bit him in the face really hard. What do I do my parents say if she bites one more time were getting rid of her