> How do I get my cockatiel to like me?

How do I get my cockatiel to like me?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
First of all your bird seems to be antisocial with others of his own kind. This happens sometimes, had one that about killed his female cus he wanted nothing to do with her. If you want your bird to like you hang out with it for a while. Pull a chair up sit beside the cage and read or watch tv. Now this takes time, and to help build trust offer him some tasty snacks such as crackers or plain potato chips. The finale test is after a long while of bonding say 3 weeks you let him out to fly around and simple sit around like so, read a book or watching telavision and let the bird come to you. Everyone does this I have. I had a wild white cockateil female that was fully grown and now she is rubbing her head on my cheeks and my neck. Passionate is the key.

you keep him a prisoner of course he is not going to like you.

I need help getting my cockatiel to not be scared of me! Help!

Here is the story of his life once I met him... so about 4 years ago I got a bird for my birthday (I was 11, was not sure of birds age. He was an adult). My dad did not buy him though, my dad saw him in our tree (in Arizona) and squirted him down with a hose.. Yea I know, rough. Once he was on the ground my dad got a cage and everything for him. He seemed happy then but me and him did not really spend much time with him, back then I didn't really know much about pet birds and was scared to hold him.

Now fast forwarding 2 years. My dad moved out of his home and the bird went to my aunts until my mom decided to take him in.. During his time at my aunts (6-months to a year) I was told he was happy and when I visited it seemed so. My aunt found a cockatiel at her work and brought it home and put it in my birds cage, later that week my bird killed it..

Now for recent events. So far I haven't shown much interest and respect for the bird. My bird came to my moms house and for the next year or so my mom fed him and took care of him, talking to him but not holding. I started to feed him and refill the water for 3 months as a chore.. About a week ago I noticed how neglected this bird was, it wasn't till I saw a video on somebody playing with their cockatiel did I realize they got a lot of attention and affection and enjoyed it.

Now I have moved my bird into my room, after a week I still can't get him to let me..