> How do I get my birds to trust me?

How do I get my birds to trust me?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Diana - this question is asked here at least 3 times a day for the past 15 years. There are probably 20,000 answers in this Bird section you could learn from.

There are also dozens and dozens of books written on bird training. There are many dozens of web sites on bird training. There are even web sites dedicated to specifically training various species - which is probably the web sites you should start reading.

To be a responsible pet owner - you really should have spent 20-50 hours doing research on the birds you knew you would be buying or getting. That you did not do this - is a really bad thing - because all you are doing now is teaching your birds how to hate your hand, and, how to hate you. Those first few days when you have a new bird - this is the golden opportunity to really begin a good relationship. You have missed this opportunity.

You need to go buy some books on bird training - lots of used ones on ebay.com for very little money. You need to bookmark several web sites on bird training - and spend most of this weekend reading and learning.

Right now - keep your hand out of the cage. Do not grab the bird, try to touch them, or anything until you know what you are doing. If the bird wants to be touched - believe me - it will come running up to the door when you open it and hop onto your hand or shoulder!

I have five parrots. I read a ton of stuff of for months before I bought the first one. My birds - I can roll over on the back, or, pick up by the tail and they do not care! That's because I build up a trusting relationship with them the moment they came home. There are things you can do with a bird, exercises, that will almost instantly make it trust you - but - it needs to trust you a little first before doing these exercises.

You need to go do your bird homework. There is not enough room here to write it all - and - nobody is going to spend a whole weekend typing in a book for just you. You have the whole internet with lots of resources - use them.

We felt the same when we were given a pet budgie. At his previous home he had had his wings clipped and he had never come outside the cage. We like our pets to be as free as possible so we got some of his favourite food (millet spray) and each day we would put it on our hand and into the cage. At first he was a scared but the more you do the more he got to trust us. About 2 weeks later he jumped on our hands we kept our hand in. The cage to start with and then we started bringing him out of the cage. He absolutely loves it and now his wings have grown back he just flys back to his cage. We have put a purch outside of the cage now too. The other day he was in his cage in the kitchen and our family were in the living room (we leave the door open sometimes) and Archie (the budgie) flew into the living where we were to see us all. It was so cute he has crash landed a few times but he's learning and they can actually take a pretty good battering surprisingly! I hope this helps

I have parakeets and they don't really bond with humans, especially when they have other birds with them in their cage. although, what i did is get sticks of millet and hand feed it to them. it helps them learn that you are there to help them and you wont hurt them. another thing i do is at night when they are mellow, i go in the cage and lightly pet their stomachs, but never their back or wings because they cant see you so it makes them feel vulnerable. so when they are sleepy, go in their cage and lightly stroke their stomachs. it helps if you talk in a nice high voice when you do this. if you really want a companion bird, get a larger, less timid bird. i reccomend conures, i have one of those and she is really fun and cool

Try to understand their feelings .

I want to be able to bond with them but every time I come near them they get scared. I tried putting my hand in the cage and then slowly taking it out but I stopped cuz I felt bad and I didn't want to scare them. so my point is, if there is a way to bond with my parakeets without stressing them out cuz I don't want to scare them. thanks.