My daughters did this project as well! They did not really lure bugs toward them, but they did go out with their nets to a few different parks(make sure you have permission to) and schools and were able to get more than enough bugs. They found wasps and bees anywhere close to plants and especially flowers. For moths, if you wait by a light at night, you should see at least a few. Beetles are everywhere but you can find some under rocks or crawling on plants. Butterflies were a more rare find but my daughters found butterflies flying pretty much anywhere though most of them came from open fields since they could chase them there. Damselflies and dragonflies are close to water. Just go out in nature! Do your best! :)
Use a beater net to go through the grass and weeds, a lighter "butterfly" net for flying insects, and a heavy D-net for aquatic insects. You can also bait them with jam left where they can find it or attract them by shining a light on a white sheet (vertical) at night.
It seems silly and all but I was assigned to make a bug collection for biology. if somebody knows anyways to lure different types of bugs (wasps, moths, beetles, ect.) it would be really appreciated!